This writer doesn’t presume to have all the answers—let’s make that perfectly clear right from the beginning. However, in looking back over some eight decades now, all the while prayerfully wrestling with my own personal “holiness dilemma,” a number of illu-minations have surfaced and settled in my thinking. I use the word “illuminations,” as opposed to “revelation” and “inspiration” because I’m not totally clear on the source, often vacillating between the human and divine. I can say, without reservation, that it has been a sincere and honest quest for Truth and that has kept the substance of these mini e-books (3 in 1) evolving. During this lengthy pilgrimage, it has surprised me to find so many others along the way wrestling with the same “dilemma.” And you, dear reader, may be among them. This emerging generation is now joining in on the chorus. Thus, I feel Spirit-led to share the results of this quest, to date, in a mini-series of simple personal holiness illuminations. My hope and prayer is that the reader will also be illuminated likewise.
Culture is a curious thing and extremely powerful, molding one’s brain synapses from birth, and giving credence to the saying, “We’ve never done it this way before!” This work represents a slightly irreverent journey into present day religious culture, with satire sprinkled in liberally (no pun intended). SATIRE: A technique used by writers and others to make their point using humor, irony and exaggeration. For this author, the mark of effective satire is found in its ability to touch on the prophetic. Jesus, the model maverick, used it so effectively in this way, especially when it came to religion and legalism. This opus, written in the form of a travelogue, represents my 21st Century ‘touch on the prophetic.’ In so doing, I have also been influenced by these words:
“I think satire is most effective when you love the thing you're satirizing rather than... have a vendetta against it.” (Mike Yaconelli)
Written and presented, cheekily, with great love and respect,

Chapter Sample Above
Spanning two centuries, a sometimes whimsical, some-times profound, era-filled romp through the enigmatic world of The Salvation Army. If you are a Salvationist (Salvation Army member), it should resonate with you on many levels, maybe an eye-opener here and there, and an entertaining chuckle or two along the way. If you are a non Salvationist, stereotypically inclined, i.e., ‘Guys and Dolls’, you are certain to find an en-lightening nugget or two: 'I didn't know that?'. (Ever wonder what's behind those bon-nets. tambourines and ring-a-ding-ding red Christmas kettles?). Whoever, whomever, spontaneity, suspense and curiosity will keep you turning the pages, hopefully. After all, the surprise is always found in the ending, isn’t it? Right up until the final sentence!
This little parabolic adventure is about leadership and the dangers of monument building – where process, bigness, status quo and control become more impor-tant than the mission. The world today is replete with examples, a sampling of them suggested in the Post-lude. Among these are Google, Microsoft, General Motors, Catholicism and Protestantism, etc. Discover where you and your institution(s) fit within the cycle?
Out of the Rubble…Revolution! is “An Allegory of Monumental Disproportions” and a “must” resource for leaderships seminars, training and conferences at every level. And it makes an insightful bedside com-panion no matter where you fit into the corporate- institutional hierarchy.
Click on Cover
A companion piece to accompany, ’The ERAS of His Way.’ Focusing in on a few select 'eras,' it is deeply personal, sometimes painfully so. And while written for a selective audience, its core message is applicable far and wide: ‘Justice with-out compassion is injustice.’ It is being offered as a free PDF download upon request. Email this message, ‘SAVN STORY PASSWORD PLEASE’ to creations@joenoland.com. The link and password will be sent gratis.

Headline: Salvation Army Rescinds Sex-Partner Benefits Following Outpouring of Christian Concern - Robert H. Knight (11-15-01)
Response: Mr. Knight, sensational journalism is a good ploy for getting one's attention, but the phrase, ‘Sex-Partner Benefits,’ is misleading and a bit disingenuous, don't you think? I wrote this book for you and a multitude of others who, unfortunately, got it wrong - Joe Noland (7-17-06)
And I also wrote the book for those of you who, genuinely, want to get it right, the final chapter titled, ‘(RX) Pre-scriptive Action.’
Once upon a time, I lived in the Manoa Valley in a home next door to the Waioli Tea Gardens where the world renowned Waioli Tea Room resides. Every year The Salvation Army holds a Live Nativity Scene in this beautiful garden and I could hear the music and see the Christmas scene from our living room window.
Gecko’s are aplenty in this area of the valley and often visited our home, hiding behind the pictures on the wall and resting on the top of our mantle clock. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise when after Christmas I discovered that a little green gecko had taken up residence in our Christmas tree. I had to virtually shake him out of the tree before I could pack it up for the New Year! Thus came the in-spiration for this little story - Doris Noland
Reprint in process. Subscribe for updates and you will be notified when available. Thanks.

(Free Download)
"With compelling appeal to the voices of our founder, William and Catherine Booth, and leaders throughout our history, the authors demonstrate that "settling down" has been a constant concern from the beginning. Movements must move. Living things grow or die--or worse, cumber the ground. Weighed against so much that is of value in our traditional ways of doing what we do and the extent of our investment in the structures, people and "bricks and mortar" that support them, is reinvention beyond imagining? If it is, what should we anticipate that our ever-creative God of the impossible may intend for this vital, living thing--this diverse and dynamic Army of salvation he commands and we love--as we march on? Whatever our future, settling down in the status quo is surely not an option. Our mission is too vital. Our worlds too swiftly changing. Our restless and questioning soldier-saints, young and old, in all their diversity and creative capacity, too determined to go forward."
General Paul A. Rader (Ret.)
Within months after taking office (October 1999), General John Gowans came to the The Salvation Army USA Nat-ional Headquarters and, in his own inimitable way, pre-sented a private and confidential (not to be disseminated or shared in any other form or forum) paper on leadership to members of the USA Commissioner's Conference. Commissioner Gisele Gowans has given permission to now share the contents of that paper in this forum. The authors do so, with commentary, in tribute to the iconic genius of John Gowans. Why? 'We want a Take-over Bid! A mammoth Take-over Bid! We've been content for too long, Just jogging along each day. We ll make a Take-over bid! It s really time that we did!' (John Gowans's lyrics from the premiere musical, Take Over Bid! )
Available in Ebook form here...

On this CD Doris Noland uses her gifts as a composer, lyricist and vocalist to touch, comfort, encourage and inspire. Her style is 60’s folk, honed in the coffee houses and on the streets of San Francisco.
All proceeds to support the unique ministry of Revolution Hawaii.
Click 'Buy Now'. When page opens, scroll down to 'More Music' (bottom of page). You can sample the songs, purchase them individually, or the entire CD. Enjoy!
This is a flight manual for prospective angels of the temporal kind—Earth Angels. You might even want to view this as an angel-apprenticeship program, one that may even-tually find its fulfillment in the heavenly realm. It's about the blight on this planet and the plight of our children. Above all, it's about hope—and a promise from God of prosperity.

For those of us who have known Joe Noland over the years, his accomplishments have been legendary. Who can forget the spectacular program he imagineered at The Salvation Army's 1985 International Youth Congress? Or the musicals written and produced for territorial congresses? Or opening of the work in Micronesia, marking the army’s commence-ment of its 100th country? Now that same energetic daring and creativity has been invested in bringing readers A Little Greatness. This adventure in reading offers exciting insights and inspiration for all who inspire to live above mediocrity, in response to Christ call to true greatness—Colonel Henry Garipy.